Tuesday, 19 October 2010

A Brief Interlude...

Despite having done absolutely nothing with my day, I find myself incredibly tired and as such completely un-enthused about writing this blog so rather than tackling anything of intellectual merit I'm inclined to spend a brief moment rambling about a conversation me and Pixel had today.

With the advent of 3D television it was only a matter of time until those of us with our minds permanently in the gutter got to wondering; so what does this mean for pornography?

Thirty seconds worth of Googling later and we had an answer.

Karma-Sutra from Mark Dorcel - the first porno to make use of modern 3D technology, I say 'modern' quite specifically as 40 years previous the migraine-inducing Disco Dolls in Hot Skin tackled this particular niche.

Unfortunately, the article we found on Gizmondo (the first one to pop up - we're inquisitive yet lazy) was terribly unenlightening but some of the comments in response were absolutely classic:

"Acting on the other hand will still be two-dimensional."
"I used to love watching 3D porn but then my neighbour decided to start closing the blinds..."
"If you're classy enough to own a big fancy schmancy 3D TV...are you really going to lounge out in your living room wearing glasses to jack yourself off?"
"Can you imagine a 3D cum shot? You'd duck while you fap."
"What, no 3-double-D jokes?"

I'm inclined to agree with the majority in this case; novel as 3D filth may be for all of ten minutes - much like sex in real life - the love affair will be over before you know it and you'll be left alone, unfulfilled, looking silly, with a raging headache.



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