Saturday, 16 October 2010

When Real Life Just Isn't Interesting Enough...

The second attempt at The 434 - you get bonus points if you can guess the character cameo role.

In all respects I feel that this one is a step above the last, much as I loathe to admit it, I think Bram was on to something when he started writing every day - I'm feeling infinitely more productive than I have in years.

Not only are new works bubbling their way to the surface but I'm actually seeking my abandoned pieces and getting things done.

All criticism is welcome.



Flash 434: Desperately Seeking...

She never had much luck with men, actually that was an understatement, her track record read like Jeremy Kyle's most wanted list.

It stemmed from a wonderful habit of being imperceptibly drawn to the deranged.

It was her curse to see the good, the potential in everybody.

They'd be peachy keen for a few weeks.

Then it would start. A declaration of love. The realisation they'd never get it so easy again.

The second they said those three little words they'd begin to throw trite compliments into every sentence, flood her with meaningless little trinkets, declare fucking 'making love' – the whole relationship lost any kind of appeal it once had.

Then they would leave.

By the age of 21 she'd had about all she could stand.

She just wanted somebody to immerse herself in, obsess over, like a fiction written just for her. She didn't mind the cruelty, she was a big girl, she could take it.

It was the boredom that really killed her. Then the loneliness.

She didn't want them fixed. Normal.

The good she saw was the total freedom of a mind, whether it needed external help to reach that state or not and the potential was that of utter chaos. Unpredictability. Living every waking moment on the razors edge. Two against the world.

It made the moments of tenderness so much more vibrant – to live a 'normal' life to her was like eating sweets every day. You get fat, lazy, complacent.

On her 22nd birthday she begged, borrowed and stole enough money to rectify this situation once and for all.

When a few ingenious basement dwellers had discovered how little data it took to code a human personality, give it autonomy, there had been outrage. Pushed onto the black market. It was unnatural. Inhumane. Perfect.

With enough personal information, and financial lubrication, you could get 'anybody' you wanted - it was just the case of taking one of the surprisingly minimal 'default' persona's, making a few incomprehensibly technical tweaks here and there and voila.

Downloaded straight into your noggin. A partner who really could get inside your head. It put a whole new spin on 'Go fuck yourself'.

When she'd made her request, a well known character (easy as pie) they had been dubious; “It's all going to end in tears before bedtime, man...”

They found her a few weeks later. Mutilated. Grinning. She'd done a bang-up job of it by his standards, he was actually proud of the little freak.

There was the small matter of being temporarily disembodied but hopefully he'd be downloaded again soon.


  1. no return comment? bad sport x

  2. I do apologise, I'd gone for a cigarette break.

    I hadn't though about that particular thematic similarity, but I have been listening to The Dresden Dolls a lot recently so it's fairly plausible.

    You get half a bonus point for ingenuity.


  3. I don't play for points, when there's nothing to gain you play for keeps.

    what's in a point?

  4. I'm bored now, I was hoping for intelligent non-sensical debate.


  5. I'm nothing if not efficient at crushing hope.


  6. A most charming and detrimental talent, i'm sure. But i'm not deterred. More intrigued as to whom lies behind the mask of Annie...

  7. You wont find it on the internet, that's for sure, puddin'.


  8. Then, instead of telling me what i won't find in this vast (yet apparently limited)communicatory network of information, perhaps I should ask what i CAN find...?

    (sure makes a lil' more sense, don't it?)

  9. I bet you say that to all the girls. What if i LIKE trouble.

    (hypothetically etc)

  10. Then subscribe to my blog, take a ticket and join the queue of people waiting to understand exactly what it is that goes on behind these baby blues.


  11. I don't want to understand.. I want to make you question. To expand your already widened views on life and thusly to add to the wealth of knowledge in your number cruncher. Yes sir, why the hell not.

  12. Sanity is just a front for the reprimanded artiste. I realise I'm making little sense right now but why break the habit of a lifetime. kee...

    If only I knew. Maybe just maybe I wouldn't be so inexorably salacious to the crazy parts.

    Good Hunting Cowgirl <3

  13. I'm always open to having my little artistic bubble shaken up but you're going to have to work for it, sweetness.


  14. well then, game on. but now, even the not quite so there upstairs must sleep. I'm drained from just...being.


  15. Bubs Seeing as this relates so well to my life I'm guessing it's either me or you :P Or both... but I won't flatter myself :L I love you

    Kitty xxx

  16. Heya babycakes,

    Lovely to see you joining the cause!

    Female character, yes indeedy do...she's pretty much me and all of my friends - it goes with the territory of all having bedded the same complete wankers.

    The man, well, still no prize winners on that conundrum.


  17. Well that's just vague enough to be disconcerting.


  18. huh? whats disconcerting about a colour? or absence of colour depending on how you look at it.

  19. For me, that's a last name, not a colour.

    It's put a whole new personal spin on my fiction.


  20. Does that get me another half a bonus point?

  21. You don't play for points.

    By the way - rather than spamming the comment box, how about you just add me on Facebook?


  22. At the time the comment box was lonely. I prefer it anyway, anonymity. Always have.


  23. Getting to know somebody requires a little give and take, cupcake.


  24. you don't have to know someone to challenge their thinking,

